Tuesday, April 9, 2013

FanBox Fans n Friends

10 Secrets to Success

These secrets of success makes people’s (our) dreams come true.
Want to know the secrets of success? here they are:
The staff of Investor’s Business Daily has made it their business to track and analyze successful people across all walks of life.
Over the years, they discovered that most successful people have 10 traits in common, and that these 10 traits — together — help successful people meet their goals and turn dreams into reality.
How many of these 10 secrets of success do you practice?
1.  How you think is everything.  Remember to “think positive” at every opportunity.  Visualize success, not failure.  Avoid negative environments and people.
You are what you think.  In fact, a study shows that positive thinking actually increases longevity.
2.  Decide on your dreams and goals.  Be specific about your goals.  For example, say “I am taking a cooking class next month,” rather than “I would like to take a cooking class sometime.”  Create a plan to reach your goals, and stick to it.
3.  Take action.  Goals alone have no meaning; you need to take action to make them real.  Don’t let fear hold you back.  “Just do it”
4.  Never stop learning.  Take classes, go back to school, read books, join discussion groups.  If you are interested in a subject, make time to learn about it.  Keep acquiring new skills.
5.  Be persistent and work hard.  You’ve probably heard the expression “success is a marathon, not a sprint.”  keep your eye on the goal, and keep working towards it.  Don’t give up.
6.  Learn to analyze details.  Get all the facts, and ask for input.  This will help you make wiser decisions.  Acknowledge your mistakes, but don’t beat yourself up.  Learn from your mistakes.
7.  Focus your time and money.  When you believe in something, put your attention and energy there.  Don’t let people or things distract you.
8.  Don’t be afraid to innovate; be different.  Be true to yourself, and have your own ideas.  Following the crowd is a path of mediocrity.
9.  Communicate with people effectively.  Remember that no person is an island.  Communicate your thoughts and desires honestly, and encourage others to communicate honestly with you.  Practice understanding and motivating other people.
10.  Be honest and dependable;  take responsibility for what you do.  Never cheat or lie.  when you promise, keep it.  When you screw up, admit it.
without honesty, dependability and responsibility, the other nine secrets of success don’t add up too much.

Money Making Secrets! 

Find out how top members made it to the top ten worldwide leader board!

I have been trying to figure out for months how to earn on FanBox and I want to share all the things I have learned. I did not earn that much money right away. This has been a slow climb and not always upward. There were many times where I barely made anything....just pennies for weeks. I never gave up. Persistence is important. These are all things I have done and continue to do. I want to share, so everyone can learn to make money on here because it is very possible. So here are my tips for success, so you make $$$$$.......

1. Make posts, read and comment on others posts!

If you are new to FanBox or are wondering what to do this is where you should start. Just start posting. Create blogs that interest you and that you think might interest others. We all have different taste, so more than likely your post will be interesting to someone. Make the post...keep an eye on it and check to see if others comment. If you get comments always respond to the comments. This helps because you will make friends and your post will go through the feed again, so it has another opportunity to be seen. If you don't receive a comment make one, so your post will be seen in the feed again.

2. You need fans!

You need fans because they are the ones who will see your posts, read them and make comments. The more fans you have the better the chance someone will see your post and want to read it. Fan people!!! Fan everyone!!! Fan someone when you read their post and whenever you see you are not a fan of someone. If they comment on a post you have made see if you are their fan. As you look at the news feed and read blogs fan those people too. It's only a matter of time before you have hundreds of fans. Fanbox also gives you fans which is a great bonus!

3. Experiment with Ads!

I have made many ads so far and most of them didn't work so well for me in the beginning as far as bringing me a lot of money. Make an ad for every post as you now have the opportunity for a knowledge investor to fund it. As of now we can't track our ads performance, but we will have that ability in the future, so it's a bit of a guessing game. My advice if you don't know what to fund is fund one ad at a time to see which one you earn from and that will give you an idea of what ads to fund. You You can also gain exposure to new fans. You can also run ads for other peoples posts and set them for a knowledge investor to fund!

Make sure you have relevant tags for your ad. When you create an ad for the first time the system doesn't know if that post is popular or not, so it will show your ad a lot. Once it learns if your ad gets clicks or not it will determine if it should continue to show impressions or serve your ad. So, if you aren't earning from your ads it's because they aren't getting clicks and then they don't get shown...the more popular ads get shown first and the unpopular ones get buried. So you have a chance in the beggining to make a good impression if you create good work!

4. Tags are important!

Always fill in all of your 6 tags/search terms. If you don't it's a MISSED opportunity. Tags are important because they match your post to users with those interests. If you don't it's a missed opportunity as your post will reach fewer users within the site. Make sure your tags relate to the content of your post because now people can rate your post. If your tags do not relate to your post you can be rated poorly and your post will be pushed down in a search.

5. Place the dollar sign correctly!

Place the dollar sign after the first few sentences of your post. The dollar sign is where the Read More goes and you only make money after people click the read more to get to your post.

6. Be patient and consistent! 

I have been on here for months and have only just started to gain some momentum. It does not always happen overnight. I have also put time into this every day. I am on here every day either making a post or reading and commenting. Be respectful of others and create a presence. You may have days or weeks when you feel like you have not been earning, but don't give up! 

7. Read everything FanBox!

Read every post you see about how people are making money on FanBox. Most people are very willing to share what they have learned with you. Many of the people on the leader board have very informative blogs about what they have done to make money.There are no tricks or secrets. It takes hard work and some creativity.

8. Ad links to your posts!

Another way to earn money is by making sure you have a link in your post. You can link your post to another post and continue to earn money while the reader is looking at the other post. 

9. Rate & Categorize:

You can also rate and categorize other peoples posts to earn ad credits! This is a great way to accumulate some funds to promote your own ads. You can also ad tags if the post has less than 6 tags. This activity increases your 'CAR' score the most. The system remembers you and how you rate, so be objective to gradually increase your score. If you have no money this is a great way to gain some then you can fund your own ads and make more money! Got it!! ;) 

10. Investing 

The investing feature has only been available to us for a couple of weeks. I have been investing and diversifying my investments and seem to make a nice return. Sometimes I let Fanbox decide the return and investment and sometimes I select a minimum return usually within the parameters they give me and I select a variety of people, interests and charities to invest in. This is how I got in the top 10 on the leader board worldwide! This has helped me make largest earnings I have ever made on the site! If you are unsure what to do you can set FanBox to control your return and your investment.


Always respond to people when they comment on your post. First, you want to respond to any question they may have or just show them you appreciate them spending time on your post. After you initially make a post it will go through the feed right away if you have no pictures, and it will take longer if you do have photos. After you are sure it has gone through the feed once make a comment on your post and it will go through the feed again. Check your posts and respond or make your own comment because this will help your post be seen. Each time you comment or someone else does it goes through the news feed again for everyone to see. Especially if you are just starting out and you don't have much money to promote your posts through ads.

12. Building Community

The more you read and comment on other posts you will start to make friends. Fanbox is a community of people that support each other and we want everyone to succeed. People are very helpful on this site and are always willing to answer questions, so just ask!

13. Teacher

If you are new to the site you have two weeks to select a 'teacher' to help you navigate the site. If someone invited you to the site go to their home page and on the bottom left side you can select them as your teacher. You only have two weeks to after you create an account to do this. Don't worry if you missed that opportunity.....

14. Success Coaching

Fanbox is so interested in seeing people succeed that they have created a program called 'Success Coach.' When you create an ad you have a chance at getting a success coach. A coach can help you navigate your way through the site and provide support and encouragement for. Your coach will answer any questions you have about the site and give you suggestions to improve. Your coach is there to help you be successful, so take advantage as this is a great opportunity! Interested in becoming a coach? If you are in the top 25 on the leaderboard in any of the various areas for earning you have the chance to be nominated to be a coach! Take a look at the full leader board and on the right side above the board you can use the drop down menus to view the top 25 earners in the various areas. 

Important Tip: 

The system remembers you, so the better you get at rating and categoring, earning from others reading your posts, earning with ads etc you will actually notice your earnings will go up! This is because of the algorithms. :)

These are all the things I have done and still do to maximize my profits from my posts. If you are new on FanBox I hope you find this guide helpful and if you are not so new I hope you are doing all of these things or will start to! 

Earn by Categorizing and Rating Posts.

How Earning by Categorizing and Rating Posts Works on
 People use FanBox Search to find the very best blog posts.
Now you can earn by Categorizing and Rating posts... helping FanBox Search to work even better.
In this post:
First, we'll discuss how you can CATEGORIZE posts
Then, we'll discuss how to RATE posts 
And finally, we'll discuss how you can EARN by Categorizing and Rating posts

 Categorizing Posts
By Categorizing a post, you are simply answering the question "What is this post REALLY about?"
 You Categorize a post by entering one or more Search Terms into this yellow box (that appears at the bottom of all blog posts):
 You can also help Categorize a post by AGREEING or DISAGREEING with Search Terms that other people have entered

 Rating Posts
After Categorizing a post, you'll be asked to Rate the post -- by giving it a score of 0 to 10.

By Rating a post, you are simply answering the question:
"How would you rate the QUALITY of this post, as compared to other posts about this same topic?"

Think about this:
Maybe you believe a post is definitely about "food" -- AND you believe it's a really HIGH QUALITY post about "food".
And maybe you think the same post is also definitely about "eating"; however, you believe it's NOT really a great post about "eating". 
So you might think that a post is really about a number of different topics. But within each of those topics, you might have a different opinion of how good the post is for that topic -- so you rate it differently for each topic.
 Rating a post teaches FanBox Search HOW HIGH the post should appear in search result listings -- relative to other posts about that same topic (Search Term).

Here's an example of Rating posts:

After Categorizing a post with the Search Term "food", you are then asked to Rate it -- picking a number between 0 and 10.
3 and 4 are below average; 5 is average; and 6 and 7 are above average.

In summary, there are 3 activities in Categorizing and Rating posts:

Entering a new Search Term into the yellow Search Term box
Agreeing or Disagreeing with a Search Term that someone else entered
Rating a post, after you Categorize it by doing activity A or B.

HOW DO YOU EARN by Categorizing and Rating posts?

By Categorizing and Rating posts, you're playing a very important role in the Knowledge Economy, because:
You're determining where posts appear in FanBox search result listings: Up high at the top; in the middle... or near the bottom.
Remember that posts that appear near the top of search result listings can get over 100 times more visitors than those that appear in the middle or bottom of search result listings.
More visitors translates into more time (user engagement) spent in blogs -- which is how bloggers get paid on FanBox.
More visitors from FanBox Search also means more fans, friends and blog followers -- leading to even more future earnings for the blogger.
So by Categorizing and Rating posts, you're helping to determine which posts deserve to get the lion's share of earnings... and how much bloggers earn.

What does this mean to you?

You do not want to Categorize or Rate posts without first putting on your THINKING CAP!
If you Categorize or Rate without having first carefully read the blog post, you will almost definitely be hurting your Score.
So make sure to read the blog carefully before Categorizing and Rating it.
If you haven't carefully read the post -- enough to form an opinion about it -- I strongly advise you to NOT Categorize or Rate the post.
People who achieve high CAR Scores will be rewarded with very good Categorizing and Rating earnings -- as I promise you will see in the coming days.
People with low Scores will earn almost nothing from Categorizing and Rating.

To maximize your Earnings:

Categorize and Rate as many posts as possible!
The more you Categorize and Rate, the more you earn -- so long as you're carefully reading the posts so that you can Categorize and Rate them smartly.

Earn by Categorizing
Join Fanbox today

How to Get More Fans at FanBox
At Fanbox, the secret of having more earning is to ensure more traffic to your blogs or contents.  So to ensure these visits, you are to follow some tips to gain traffics to your articles and fotos or whatever you are uploading.

For that, the prime focus should be on having more fan at here.  

Why people will be your fan leaving others?

Your uploaded contents should be able to draw people to you. This can be possible by following these tips.

1. Write quality articles or blogs. Write good topics and those should be quality content. Do not go for huge number of blogs, dont think for quantity of them. Check the leading fanbox earning members. They dont write thousands of blogs.

2. Write On numerous top listed favorites. With this you will be able to reach multiple group of fanbox members. If you remain with only one particular topic, then you get only a focused reader group.

3. Be more active at FanBox. Be more active, be fan of others. Comment on their topics and other contents. Then you may expect others also to visit your uploaded contents.

4. Appearance. Like the other sectors of our life, be decent in your appearance at here. Have a good profile image, with your country's real identity. Never upload something, which people will not be able to click in presence of others. Have generlized top favorite contents more. Your appearance in fanbox reamins socialized with a good impression. Avoid nudity and controversial topics.

Following the above tips may be helpful for you to get more traffic to your contents and which will ensure to have more fans. Thereby you start earning more.

Add Me Fan Me

5 Step Never-Fail FanBox Earning Plan

Print this out or write it down and keep it handy.

When I meet someone for the first time, they already have a blog and have run at least one ad. 

After you sign up, Add me as a Fan of yours, I will fan you back. 

But often they don't realize what they need to do to earn.

I have a very simple 5-step plan that if you follow it for 7 days, you will earn money - guaranteed. 

Try to do the steps in 7 days, but if you need 10, 20 or a whole month - that's fine too.

Just understand your results will be slower, but you will earn.

Just don't stop once you start.

By the first time you have completed the steps, you will have made a profit on FanBox.

You can do this.

1. Categorize and rate at least 10 posts a day to earn ad credits.

The more you rate, the more you will earn as the system learns how accurate you are.

Remember you aren't saying how much you liked the post, you are rating how well the post presents the information. On a scale of 1-10 how much would you rely on this post for information about [tag].

Feel free to add tags if you can think of a better tag to describe the post.

2. Write 1 good blog post and put up one good ad a day.

If you feel motivated to do more, do it. Just keep it enjoyable for yourself.

You get paid for the time people spend enjoying your posts, give them a reason to stay and read them.

If you aren't entirely sure what a good blog post or good ad is please just write me, I'm here to help you.

After you sign up, Add me as a Fan of yours, I will fan you back. Thank you for viewing

Personal Profile

3. Put up an ad with every single post you do.

Use Knowledge Investor to fund those ads until you start accumulating ad credits to fund your own ads.

I recommend building up to at least $20 in ad credits.

4. Use Investor anywhere from $1-$10 at least once during those 7 days.

Investor works by spending the portfolios of people who ask for the least % returns FIRST.

Remember whatever the ending portfolio is will be the return % you get too.

So, if you asked for a 5% return but the Investor Module ended the day at a portfolio asking 25% - you get 25%.

If you live outside the United States, ask for a minimum of 25% return to cover exchange rates and any money transfer fees.

Remember, you're not buying stocks, you're funding ads here on FanBox. 

It's a win=win because you're buying advertising and others are benefiting as well. 

The idea here is to get your money working for you as quickly as possible if you want to invest more, by all means do so.

5. Become a Teacher and get at least one student.

If you have friends that want to be a part of FanBox, they can join and they have two weeks to choose a Teacher.

They can choose anyone they want - including YOU.

You will earn 10% of what they earn the first 6 months they are on FanBox. 

Your earnings do NOT come out of their earnings. It costs them nothing.

Then, for the next 6 months (months 7-12 of their FanBox usership) you will earn 6% of what they earn.

After a year (months 13 and onwards), you earn 3% FOREVER!

When you become a teacher, give your students this 5 point plan and kick start their earnings on FanBox!

Once you've done the steps and seen your profit, do the steps again and repeat the increase in your earnings on FanBox.

After you join, goto my profile and choice me to be your teacher. Its under my profile picture.

I will help you in everyway I can. Thank you for reading this post.

After you sign up, Add me as a Fan of yours, I will fan you back. Thank you for viewing

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