Friday, April 5, 2013

Paying Down IPL Utilized

In this post I will show you how to pay down your IPL Utilized using your matured earnings.
Paying down some of your IPL Utilized end of each month, will minimize your IPL Processing fee for the next month.
So, first you need to know if you have any matured earnings in your FanBox bank balance.
To see that, go to My Dashboard then My Balance:
Then click Balance;
Here you can see if you have any matured earnings.
Okay, so let's go now to pay down some of my IPL Utilized.
Go to My Dashboard then I'll Pay Later:
You cannot pay down IPL Utilized if your IPL Processing Fee is not paid.
Here are the options available to pay your
IPL Processing Fee
So, make sure your IPL Processing Fee is paid before trying to pay down IPL Utilized.
Once you click the link to pay down your IPL Utilized, a pop up window will open where you have to mark the option how you want to pay down your IPL Utilized.
Mark Earnings Fully Matured, then type the amount you want to pay down your IPL Utilized in the Payment amount box.

After you you have made the payment you will see this pop up.
Do not worry Smile
Now you can go back to My Balance and you will see the payment showing in your FanBox bank ( balance ) description.
I hope I explained good and easy for everyone to understand.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comment section.

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